Source code for python_hll.hllutil

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from math import log
from python_hll.hll import HLL
from python_hll.util import NumberUtil
from python_hll.util import BitUtil

[docs]class HLLUtil: """ Static functions for computing constants and parameters used in the HLL algorithm. """ # The number of bits used to represent a long value in two's complement binary form LONG_BIT_LENGTH = 64 # Precomputed ``pw_max_mask`` values indexed by ``register_size_in_bits``. # Calculated with this formula:: # # int max_register_value = (1 << register_size_in_bits) - 1; # // Mask with all bits set except for (max_register_value - 1) least significant bits (see add_raw()) # return ~((1L << (max_register_value - 1)) - 1); # # See ``pw_max_mask()`` PW_MASK = [ -9223372036854775808, # ~((1 << (((1 << 0) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -1, # ~((1 << (((1 << 1) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -4, # ~((1 << (((1 << 2) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -64, # ~((1 << (((1 << 3) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -16384, # ~((1 << (((1 << 4) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -1073741824, # ~((1 << (((1 << 5) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -4611686018427387904, # ~((1 << (((1 << 6) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -4611686018427387904, # ~((1 << (((1 << 7) - 1) - 1)) - 1) -4611686018427387904, # ~((1 << (((1 << 8) - 1) - 1)) - 1) ] # Spacing constant used to compute offsets into ``TWO_TO_L``. REG_WIDTH_INDEX_MULTIPLIER = HLL.MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + 1
[docs] @classmethod def register_bit_size(cls, expected_unique_elements): """ Computes the bit-width of HLL registers necessary to estimate a set of the specified cardinality. :param long expected_unique_elements: an upper bound on the number of unique elements that are expected. This must be greater than zero. :returns: a register size in bits (i.e. ``log2(log2(n))``) :rtype: int """ return max( HLL.MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM, NumberUtil.log2(NumberUtil.log2(expected_unique_elements)) )
[docs] @classmethod def alpha_m_squared(cls, m): """ Computes the 'alpha-m-squared' constant used by the HyperLogLog algorithm. :param int m: this must be a power of two, cannot be less than 16 (2:sup:`4`), and cannot be greater than 65536 (2:sup:`16`). :returns: gamma times ``registerCount`` squared where gamma is based on the value of ``registerCount``. :rtype: float """ if m < 16: raise Exception("'m' cannot be less than 16 ({m} < 16).".format(m=m)) elif m == 16: return 0.673 * m * m elif m == 32: return 0.697 * m * m elif m == 64: return 0.709 * m * m else: return (0.7213 / (1.0 + 1.079 / m)) * m * m
[docs] @classmethod def pw_max_mask(cls, register_size_in_bits): """ Computes a mask that prevents overflow of HyperLogLog registers. :param int register_size_in_bits: the size of the HLL registers, in bits. :returns: mask a ``long`` mask to prevent overflow of the registers :rtype: long """ return cls.PW_MASK[register_size_in_bits]
[docs] @classmethod def small_estimator_cutoff(cls, m): """ The cutoff for using the "small range correction" formula, in the HyperLogLog algorithm. :param int m: the number of registers in the HLL. <em>m<em> in the paper. :returns: the cutoff for the small range correction. :rtype: float """ return (float(m) * 5) / 2
[docs] @classmethod def small_estimator(cls, m, number_of_zeroes): """ The "small range correction" formula from the HyperLogLog algorithm. Only appropriate if both the estimator is smaller than ``(5/2) * m`` and there are still registers that have the zero value. :param int m: the number of registers in the HLL. <em>m<em> in the paper. :param int number_of_zeroes: the number of registers with value zero. ``V`` in the paper. :returns: a corrected cardinality estimate. :rtype: float """ return m * log(float(m) / number_of_zeroes)
[docs] @classmethod def large_estimator_cutoff(cls, log2m, register_size_in_bits): """ The cutoff for using the "large range correction" formula, from the HyperLogLog algorithm, adapted for 64 bit hashes. See `Blog post with section on 64 bit hashes and "large range correction" cutoff <>`_. :param int log2m: log-base-2 of the number of registers in the HLL. <em>b<em> in the paper. :param int register_size_in_bits: the size of the HLL registers, in bits. :returns: the cutoff for the large range correction. :rtype: float """ return TWO_TO_L[ (cls.REG_WIDTH_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * register_size_in_bits) + log2m ] / 30.0
[docs] @classmethod def large_estimator(cls, log2m, register_size_in_bits, estimator): """ The "large range correction" formula from the HyperLogLog algorithm, adapted for 64 bit hashes. Only appropriate for estimators whose value exceeds the return of ``largeEstimatorCutoff()``. See `Blog post with section on 64 bit hashes and "large range correction" cutoff <>`_. :param int log2m: log-base-2 of the number of registers in the HLL. <em>b<em> in the paper. :param int register_size_in_bits: the size of the HLL registers, in bits. :param float estimator: the original estimator ("E" in the paper). :returns: a corrected cardinality estimate. :rtype: float """ two_to_l = TWO_TO_L[(cls.REG_WIDTH_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * register_size_in_bits) + log2m] try: return -1 * two_to_l * log(1.0 - (estimator/two_to_l)) except ValueError: return 0
# Precomputed ``twoToL`` values indexed by a linear combination of # ``regwidth`` and ``log2m``. # # The array is one-dimensional and can be accessed by using index # ``(REG_WIDTH_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * regwidth) + log2m`` # for ``regwidth`` and ``log2m`` between the specified # ``HLL.{MINIMUM,MAXIMUM}_{REGWIDTH,LOG2M}_PARAM`` constants. # # See ``large_estimator()``. # See ``large_estimator_cutoff()``. # See `Blog post with section on 2^L # <>`_ TWO_TO_L = [0.0] * (HLL.MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM + 1) * (HLL.MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM + 1) for reg_width in range(HLL.MINIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM, HLL.MAXIMUM_REGWIDTH_PARAM+1): for log2m in range(HLL.MINIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM, HLL.MAXIMUM_LOG2M_PARAM+1): max_register_value = BitUtil.left_shift_int(1, reg_width) - 1 # Since 1 is added to p(w) in the insertion algorithm, only # (maxRegisterValue - 1) bits are inspected hence the hash # space is one power of two smaller. pw_bits = max_register_value - 1 total_bits = pw_bits + log2m two_to_l = 2**total_bits TWO_TO_L[(HLLUtil.REG_WIDTH_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * reg_width) + log2m] = two_to_l